Monday, June 15, 2009

Flat Tire!

Well Well Well, where to begin. So we woke up a little later then normal knowing we only had a short 40mile ride it wouldn't hurt to sleep in a little extra. So we got up about 7 and noticed Kelly's slow leak the day before was completely flat so we had to replace it, unfortunately that was her last tube so we hoped we wouldn't have any more problems. After we got her bike moving again we went to Randy's Resturant for breakfast. Around 9 we finally got on the road and the ride was going alright but it wasn't more then 10miles into our ride and Kelly fell behind and I noticed her waving so I stopped. I figured she needed to go to the bathroom and indeed she did but that wasn't the reason to stop. She had another flat tire. Yeah not good she had no more tubes. Kelly said "guess that's the end of the ride for me." and I told her no, we'll patch it, persevering is part of the adventure. So we spent the next 20 mins patching up her tire and we got back on the road. It seemed like the patch worked, it was holding air. So we kept riding, we weren't planning on stopping for lunch so we pushed on. About 5miles out of Hastings we had to climb a hill and as soon as I got out of the saddle to go up the hill the back tire washed out a bit and I looked down, dang it, another flat! So I got to the top of the hill and started changing the tire and Kelly came up and gave a little laugh, "I guess the bad luck hasn't stopped yet." That was my last tube so now we were riding on pure luck, just hoping we would make it home. When we got into hastings we stopped at Coborn's and went to the bath room and filled our water bottles. Just before we got to the other side of Hastings a motorcycle pulled infront of me, it was Bob, Kelly's dad. He had stopped by to give us a spare cell phone and water since kelly's and my phone had died and it was a good deal that he did. We didn't get more then 2miles out of Hastings and tink tink, what is that noise kelly? "I think I have something in my spokes." Well it wasn't in her spokes it was a sixteen penny nail stuck in her tire! yeah that was the 4th flat tire today 3rd for kelly and 6th in two days. It was hot and we were both completely exhausted, frustrated! We were only 11 miles from Kelly's parents house and we finally had given up, we called it a day. We don't like to quit so close to a destination and more often we don't get that oportunity. So we called it in and got a ride. Unfortunately we ruined the semi-surprise party Kelly's mom had planned for us, most the people weren't even there but we were glad to be home and they all arived shortly and we spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out and chatting with them about the trip! Thanks again everyone for all of your support and please come join us for a little meet and great at Shamrocks tomorrow!

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Chance and Kelly

Chance and Kelly