Sunday, July 5, 2009

Off to Fort Randall....June 29th

Well it was time to head out from our little campsite and start yet another day! The morning started off with a really good outlook for the day! I(Kelly) thought it would be really nice without the wind.. However, let me tell you now. It is much better to have some wind coming from any direction to keep the heat down. So anyways, We only had to ride 20 miles to eat breakfast/lunch because there would really be no other places to eat on the way. So we stopped in to Corsica, SD and ate at a truck stop type place! We both had the Belly Busters, however it busted my belly before I could finish and Chance's did not bust his belly so he had to eat the rest of mine as well! So milk is something kind of hard to come by on the way. I wanted chocolate milk and Chance decided he did as well. We asked the lady and she asked what size we would want, so she compared the small to our waters which were about the size of a small jar of jam and said the large would be just a bit bigger. Well bigger sounded much better. Then it came, the large pickle jar sized chocolate milk:) It was really delicious and as crazy as it sounds I finished mine before Chance yea!!! After that we headed out on what was kinda of a boring road of corn fields which we had been seeing for multiple days. We went about 10 more miles to Armour and stopped at the gas station to fill up on water. Once we left the gas stations things started to change for me. I was very tired and hot and was not enjoying the weather at the moment. Chance continued to be the strong support and we made it to Fort Randall Casino where we stopped at the gas station for a much needed COLD Gatorade!! Yummy in my tummy! That little boost helped complete the rest of the ride downhill to the Fort Randall Dam Park where we set up camp for the evening. It was a nice area with very nice facilities! We then took showers and moved from shaded spot to shaded spot trying to avoid the immense rays of heat the sun was giving off. Eventually the day cooled off and we were just sitting by a tree chatting when a very nice fella named Al came over and started up conversation! He and his wife Carma were in the RV next to our tent. He mentioned he had a Nebraska map we could have so we headed over to their plot of land! Carma was a wonderful gal who we talked to and enjoyed talking with into the evening! They were ever so kind and invited us over to eat some delicious Nebraska beef burgers, cole slaw, baked potatoes and of course dessert! So to the end of the day was wonderful and relaxing with cool temps which made for very comfortable sleeping!

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Chance and Kelly

Chance and Kelly