Thursday, July 16, 2009

Beautiful Telluride Colorado!

Today was a great morning! We got to sleep in and I think it was a great thing for our bodies and minds. So since we slept in that obviously means we decided to take a break day today! Upon waking up Chance and I cane downstairs to eat breakfast with Will. Melissa made us the most delicious breakfast of waffles, bacon and fruit! Then we sat around for a bit and packed up our bags. We then said goodbye to Melissa and her son Will because they would be going out of town for a swim meet and to pick up the other son Jake. So Chance and I rode our bikes into the beautiful town of Telluride! The views are absolutely amazing, probably one of the most fantastic views I have seen! So in town we took the gondola up to the Mountain Village. Mountain Village is where a lot of celebrities and wealthy people reside for shorts amount of time during ski season. Let me tell you these houses are left empty most of the summer which is absolutely nuts. So we walked around the village for a bit going in and out of shops while taking in the breath taking views. I keep talking about the scenery and the pics will be up soon hopefully! Then we made our way back down the gondola to Telluride where we headed to get some lunch. Our lunch destination was this cool little place called Smugglers. The food was good and Chance had one of their home brews and had only good things to say about it. From there we headed to the library to catch up on our internet doings. Then it was time to head back to Mark and Melissa's to get our bags and find a place to crash for the evening. When we got back, Mark was home and told us to just stay here again which was more then we could have asked for. All we wanted was to camp in their yard but he said " you sleep in a tent every other night, a bed is much better for tonight." We then made some noodles for dinner, checked our maps to see how much longer we thought we would be riding and took showers. Again, we would like to thank Melissa, Mark and Will for their wonderful hospitality and great stories and conversations they shared with us. And for you Will, I will get you in a game of Egyptian rat slap when we come back this way :) Thank you so much! We would like to thank all who continue to read and donate, as you all know we are riding for the American Cancer Society and with your help we can help to make a difference. So please tell all of your friends and help spread the word!

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Chance and Kelly

Chance and Kelly