Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Years!!

Happy New Years to everyone!! Well our holiday went well, we hope that all of yours we just as wonderful! I (Chance) finally graduated from college, to bad the job market is not so good but I'm staying optimistic, I still have an exciting spring/summer coming up and I'll just keep working the job I have now. Kelly and I spent time with both families and had a pretty good time. The New Year celebration was pretty uneventful unfortunately, since I had to work the first at 10am. As for activities and training. Kelly is still going to the gym on an almost daily occurrence. I unfortunately have ran out of a gym membership due to graduating and have been forced to do a workout at home and run in the cold but that's ok. We have been able to make it out a few times skiing and even went sledding with the roommates. Finally got my cross-country skis up to St. Cloud when my parents visited but haven't had a chance to use them yet. As for preparation for the trip we are getting back on the horse and sending out more funding request and information letters to people. We are also planning a couple benefit dinners so I will let everyone know about the time, date and restaurants that are willing to help us. Thanks again for all your support!!

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Chance and Kelly

Chance and Kelly