Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's Been Awhile!

Well we thought as the weather improved we would get out and begin to build our legs and stamina. On Sunday March 29th we went on a 35mile ride from St. Cloud to Avon MN. The ride went well, we paced at about 12miles an hour which is what our goal for the trip is. The rest of the week was a bit crappy and we were unable to do too many long rides. Now as the weather has began to warm we have gone a few longer rides. So far we have not topped the 40mile mark but we have been riding more often and consistently. We slowly build our strength up. Our first big test will be this weekend. We are planning on riding to Kelly's parents house in Woodbury MN for Easter. We will be riding down HWY75 on Saturday and riding back to St. Cloud on Monday. We are estimating the ride will take about 8hrs one way. We are both very excited to get out and test our legs on a long distance ride fully loaded. We would both like to thank everyone who donated items for our silent auction and benefit that was held on Monday, also thanks so much for those that came out and supported us and our cause the benefit was an absolute success!! Now that the funding aspect is more or less out of the way, we can concentrate completely on our riding! Also for everyone that missed the event we still have t-shirts for sale, only $15 all proceeds will go to the ACS! Thanks again for all your support!

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Chance and Kelly

Chance and Kelly